Library functions: system functions |
This category includes functions to interact with the environment outside the Proteus program.
The functions are:
returns the string associated to cLabel in the environment, an empty string if cLabel is undefined
PUTENV(cLabel, cVal)
updates with cVal the string associated to cLabel in the environment; returns 0 if the environment space is full, 1 otherwise.
Note: this function, if called several times, causes a loss of memory because of the low-level implementation of the C library function putenv; this is true for the Unix version - the problem does not exist in the Windows/Ms-Dos versions
returns the parameter n passed on the command line:
- 1 = Proteus interpreter
- 2 = script
- 3 = input file
- 4 = output file (even if it was not specified)
- 5-ARGC = other parameters
returns current system date, formatted according to DATE_TYPE
returns current system time, formatted according to TIME_TYPE
returns 1 if c is in the format "hh:mm:ssx", where mm and ss are in the range 0-59, hh is in the range 1-12 (if x is 'p' or 'a') or 0-23 (if x is a space); returns 0 otherwise
returns the number of seconds in the time c; see ISTIME for the time format; returns -1 if the time is invalid
returns the time corresponding to nSeconds, formatted according to TIME_TYPE; nSeconds can also exceed the number of seconds in a day; this function returns an empty string if nSeconds is negative
number of seconds elapsed from the start of the Proteus interpreter
suspends the execution of the script for nfSeconds; returns the number of seconds elapsed (at the end of the call) from the start of the Proteus interpreter. This function accepts floating point values; e.g. SLEEP(0.5) suspends execution for half a second
runs cCommand and returns the error level at the exit; use:
SYSTEM("COMMAND /C string")or
SYSTEM("cmd /C string")to run internal Ms-Dos/Windows commands; note: file names included in cCommand are not influenced by the command line parameter -k
CAPTURE(cCommand, cStdout[, cStderr[, cStdin]])
runs cCommand and returns the error level at the exit, like SYSTEM; the difference is the possibility to specify two variables where the standard output and the standard error will be redirected, and a string of character to be used for input; cStdout and cStderr are modified by reference (must be two variables); cStdin can be a constant or a variable
runs cCommand and exits from Proteus; use:
EXEC("COMMAND /C string")or
EXEC("cmd /C string")to run internal Ms-Dos/Windows commands; note: file names included in cCommand are not influenced by the command line parameter -k
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