Examples |
This chapter is divided in two parts:
Print lines longer than 72 characters:
Print in reverse order all the fields (separated by ',') on every line:
Sum the numbers in the first column (separated by ',') and print total and average:
Total = ADD(Total, TOKEN(L, 1, ",")) IF EOF PRINTLN "The sum is " Total ", the average is " FDIV(Total, N) FI
Copy a C program and insert the available include files:
NewL = LTRIM(L, " ") IF STREQ(TOKEN(NewL, 1, " "), "#include") File = STRIPQUOTES(TOKEN(NewL, 2, " ")) IF EQ(ISFILE(File), 1) FINSERT(File) IGNORE FI FI PRINTLN L
Print all the lines where the first field is different from the previous one:
Field1 = TOKEN(L, 1, ",") IF STRNEQ(Field1, Prev) PRINTLN L FI Prev = Field1
Convert a date from the format DATE_TYPE to the format YY[YY]MMDD:
NewDate = STRTRAN(DCONVDATE(Date, 2), "/", "")
Many examples are included in the Proteus package, so that a new user can learn how to use the language and take advantage of these scripts for developing new applications.
The following programs are located in the folder samples of the standard distribution; by clicking on the name on the left you can examine the source code:
437tolat.prt |
transforms input into output by mapping characters from Codepage 437 to Iso Latin 1; demontrates mapping functions |
arc.prt | creates an archive file including all files specified, which can be later extracted by using dearc.prt; demonstrates file functions |
asc2ebcd.prt | translates input into output by mapping characters from ASCII encoding to EBCDC encoding (used by IBM® AS/400); use ebcd2asc.prt to reverse the operation. Demontrates mapping functions |
ascstat.prt |
displays a graph (LENGTH columns wide) that represents the relative frequency of characters found in the specified file; output is written to console. Demonstrates functions on arrays, command line parameters, formatting results, traversing strings |
bingo.prt |
random drawing to console of numbers from 1 to 90 (no re-insert). Demonstrates queues, arrays, random number generator, UDF |
cb1000.prt | emulates keyboard by entering data coming from a device connected through an Ethernet Client Bridge (like Symbol CB1000). For the program to work correctly, it is necessary that the device be configured so that it accepts connections from the PC where this program is running. This program can be installed as a script for Proteus Service. Demonstrates: socket functions, keyboard emulation functions. |
cb1000db.prt | save to READINGS.MDB the data arriving from a device connected through an Ethernet Client Bridge (like Symbol CB1000). For the program to work correctly, it is necessary that the device be configured so that it accepts connections from the PC where this program is running. This program can be installed as a script for Proteus Service. Demonstrates: socket functions, DAO functions. |
check.prt | verify that the specified file does not contain characters outside of the ASCII range 32-126, 13, 10. Demonstrates part of the string functions. |
checkpar.prt |
verify that the number of open parenthesis ('(', '[', '{') matches the number of closing parenthesis (')', ']', '}'); parenthesis inside strings are ignored. No output file is produced; messages are sent to console. Demonstrates stacks, string functions, UDFs ONSTART and ONEND |
chgdat2.prt |
change in each line the first date found from the format 'dd/mm/yy[yy]' to the format 'dd mmm yyyy'; the date must use at least one of the separators in Seps (which must also include ' '). Demonstrates functions on dates, the static tokenizer, the predefined identifier MONTHS |
chgdate.prt |
change each date from the format 'dd/mm/yy' to the format 'dd mmm yyyy'; the date must use at least one of the separators in Seps (which must also include ' '). Demonstrate the dynamic tokenizer, REXMATCH, several string functions |
clipboard.prt |
Windows clipboard example; demonstrate how it is possible to invoke external functions, compiled into a DLL. See the chapter on the external functions for additional details |
codice32.prt | functions for encoding/decoding Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical). |
codqt.prt | accept code/quantity and save them to file operator.TXT; demonstrates many interactive functions. |
convert.prt | convert the input file (binary) into an array that can be used inside a "C" program. |
crc32.prt |
use the function CRC32 to calculate the 32 bit Ansi X3.66 cyclic redundancy check on the first file specified; CRC is also calculated by padding file to multiple of 128 and 1024 bytes with character ASCII 26 |
dbfcreat.prt | create a DBF file from a text file. The database has two character fields: "CODE" (8 characters) and "DESC" (30 characters); the text file holds CODE in the first 8 characters and DESC in the remaining characters. Data are sorted by using an AVL before being inserted into the database. Demonstrates how to convert Proteus numbers to WORD/DWORD and vice versa. |
dbfdump.prt | print out the structure of a DBF file and its contents |
dearc.prt | extract files from an archive created with arc.prt. The files are extracted in the current directory. |
decnum.prt |
demonstration of a user library: UDF that prints integer numbers with thousand separators; support three types of alignment: centered, left justified, right justified |
decrypt.prt |
use the function DECRYPT to decrypt the file using the keys specified; if you need to specify more than one key, enclose them between double quotes. Use encrypt.prt to create encrypted files |
demime64.prt |
Mime Base 64 decoder for single section, MIME-64 encoded files; use mime64.prt to encode the file |
denum.prt | remove all line numbers from source file, writing result to destination. Source file must be a BASIC file with line numbers. |
detab.prt |
remove tabs using a column interval of 8; demonstrates function DETAB |
doc.prt |
extract documentation (between directives !bdoc and !edoc ) and (optionally) remarks from the specified Proteus files; delete directives and initial remark character (; and #) |
dynaset.prt | shows an example of Dynaset, obtained through a query on Sql Server. The code extract all customers (CFANAGRA) whose documents (DOC) have in their rows (DOCRIGHE) a particular article; the names of the customers found are saved to a text file, where each field is separated from the next by the character "|". Demonstrates DAO functions. |
ebcd2asc.prt | transforms input into output by mapping the characters from EBCDC (used by IBM® AS/400) to ASCII encoding. Use asc2ebcd.prt to reverse the operation. Demonstrates mapping functions. |
encrypt.prt |
use the function CRYPT to encrypt the file with the specified keys; if you need to specify more than one key, enclose them between double quotes. Use decrypt.prt to decrypt the files created by this script. |
entab.prt |
replace spaces with tabs, using a column interval of 8. Demonstrates the function ENTAB |
extfunc.prt | demonstrate how it is possible to invoke an external function, compiled into a DLL. See the chapter on the external functions for additional details |
fact.prt |
ignore input file and print out factorial of numbers from Start to End. Demonstrates the library function FACT |
filefunc.prt |
functions used to verify and split file names (DOS, Windows, Unix); demonstrates a user library |
getch.prt | display the values returned by GETCH for each key pressed, until the user presses ESC. |
glob.prt |
demonstrates a user library: UDF to obtain into an array a list of files corresponding to spec |
hexdump.prt | this program prints out in readable format (hexadecimal) the contents of the specified file |
htmindex.prt |
create a new file including all bookmarks found inside HTML files matching specifications; this program was used to create an early version of the index ad the end of the Proteus Manual. Demonstrates directory functions, reading lines from files, REXMATCH and several string functions |
latto437.prt |
transforms input into output by mapping characters from Iso Latin 1 to Codepage 437; demonstrates mapping functions |
liner.prt |
copy each line, adding to the left its number; demonstrates re-using the same source file and the UDF ONEND |
listdup.prt | finds identical files with different names in the directory specified; demonstrates using CRC32 |
matrix.prt |
demonstration of a user library; UDFs to manipulate bidimensional matrices (simulating them using arrays) |
mdbdump.prt | displays the contents of all the tables included in the database specified as the first parameter. Demonstrates DAO functions. |
mime64.prt |
write to output an encoded Mime Base 64 version of the first file specified. Use demime64.prt to decode the files created |
mulblnk.prt |
replace each space with two spaces; add: two spaces before and after each line, two spaces after '(', two spaces after ')', two spaces before and after ','. When run against a correct Proteus program, outputs a valid Proteus program that, when executed, produces the same results as the original, except for strings (whose size increases). |
myfact.prt |
ignore input and print out factorial of numbers from Start to End. Demonstrates the usage of recursive UDFs |
palind.prt |
print out all the palindromes longer than two characters found in input. Demonstrates the static tokenizer, the function REVERSE, the usage of a UDF |
pctune.prt | this program plays a melody in RTTTL format through PC speaker. Demonstrates using the function BEEP. |
ping.prt | pings a remote address, displaying response times, until the user presses Esc on the keyboard. Demonstrates using socket functions and how to convert Proteus numbers to WORD/DWORD and vice versa. |
prnform.prt |
CGI script sample: receive a form and returns an HTML page with field values |
protform.prt |
pretty-printer for Proteus programs: add standard formatting,
keeping line length below 75 characters; vanilla syntax check. When run against a correct
script, returns a program functionally equivalent; demonstrates:
prt2htm.prt |
convert a Proteus program (.prt) into a HTML file, adding tags for syntax highlighting. The parameter "ISO" allow for PC 437 to ISO Latin 1 conversion during formatting. This program was used to format all the examples in this manual; a variant, that alphabetically sorts the HTML files produced and links one to the other, has created the samples in this chapter |
remblnk.prt |
remove all blank and empty lines; very basic example |
remc.prt |
remove "C" remarks. Demonstrates many string functions |
remcpp.prt |
remove "C++" remarks. Demonstrates many string functions |
remvb.prt | remove remarks from the specified Visual Basic files. Demonstrates many string functions |
rex.prt |
various tests with regular expressions. No input is used; output is sent to console (alternated '1' and '0'). The interest lies in the contents, that show many examples of simple and extended regular expressions |
scanner.prt | emulates keyboard (wedge emulation) by entering data coming from a serial device (e.g. a barcode scanner). This program can be installed as a script for Proteus Service. Demonstrates using SENDKEYS and serial ports. |
send.prt | send a file to the serial port using the specified parameters. Demonstrates functions on serial ports |
sendlpt.prt | send a file to the parallel port (direct write, does not use Windows drivers). Demonstrates Windows functions on files |
simpremi.prt | simulates a price generator; demonstrates using the random number generator |
sngblnk.prt |
replace multiple blank lines with a single blank line; very basic example |
spooler.prt | verify if a file exists; if it is so and the file is writable (it is not locked for update), process it by sending strings (e.g. commands to create a label on a barcode printer) merged with data available in the file. The printer where data are to be sent is specified by network address and port. Demonstrates using Socket functions. |
statc.prt |
statistics on a C program. Report:
tables.prt |
print n * 1, .., n * 10, where n is between 1 and 10. Display the usage of the library matrix.prt |
test.prt |
several tests. Demonstrates using the libraries decnum.prt and filefunc.prt |
todos.prt |
transform to Dos (EOL = CR + LF) a text file in any format; demonstrates Proteus implicit transformation |
tolower.prt | renames all files corresponding to filespec so that their names are all lowercase |
tomac.prt |
transform to Macintosh format (EOL = CR) a text file in any format; demonstrates the predefined identifier EOL |
toshort.prt | renames to Dos format (8 + 3 characters) all files corresponding to filespec |
tounix.prt |
Transforms to Unix format (EOL = LF) a text file in any format; demonstrates the predefined identifier EOL |
toupper.prt | renames to uppercase all files corresponding to filespec |
txtform.prt |
text formatting. All lines are converted to lines less than MaxLength character long; after each new dot ('.'), a new line is started. Demonstrate the static tokenizer and several string functions |
uplog.prt | send a file to the serial port, by using the specified parameters; all characters returned by the remote device are saved to a log file. Demonstrates functions on serial ports |
uudecode.prt |
decodes a UU-encoded text file (single section) |
uuencode.prt |
writes to output a UU-encoded version of the first file specified |
wc.prt |
print the number of words, lines, characters and non-blank characters. Demonstrates the static tokenizer, the UDF ONEND |
xcomp.prt |
compare a group of file recursively between two directory trees. Demonstrates how Proteus is able to read both binary and text files, the usage of recursive functions and accessing public variables from a UDF |
xmas.prt | print a text in shape of a tree, with a single character at the top, 3 characters in the second row, 5 characters in the third, etc. |
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